Submit your Work

Worldseekers focuses on supporting physical and mental health. This starts with getting folks outside and walking, but we don't want it to stop there. We've build Worldseekers to allow for community contributions to Story, Art, and Design. 

Creativity is just as important for a healthy life as going on a daily walk! Have fun, and if you want, feel free to contribute here.

Narrative Contributions

Submissions should involve events with over two choices and less than 2000 words. All submissions must be sent in a zipped Articy Draft 3 project or Twine file type (.twee). 

Submissions accepted for publication in the upcoming Worldseekers game will be notified. 

For those who are writing, please play the build of the game to understand the tone and style our player events are leveraging. Our narrative bible is here for reference as well. Any events that have over a PG rating will be disqualified. 

Feel free to reach out to me at and I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. Contributions accepted for publication are compensated at a range of 5 to 10 cents per word. Longer contributions are accepted, but will be de-prioritized behind contributions adhering to the word count guidelines. 

Card and Other Contributions

Want to create a card or item or biome? Fill out this form.

We don't compensate for this since it takes a good bit of extra work for us to add these to the game, but feel free to share your thoughts! 

General Feedback Form: